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Grants Office Newsletter September 2024

Dear Researchers of the University of Basel,

We hope you all started the new academic year well.

At the beginning of July, some positive developments in the political discussions between Switzerland and the EU, brought some good news for those wishing to apply for an ERC Grant. Sadly, this news came too late for this year’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship Call but once again the Swiss National Science Foundation is filling the gap by launching their own Postdoctoral Fellowship Call.

For those of you who want to brush-up or expand your knowledge about SNSF funding schemes, together with Innosuisse the SNSF is running a series of webinars in October and November. Each session covers different funding schemes and gives you the opportunity to ask questions to the SNSF project officers.

This issue of our newsletter reports on some excellent successes and as usual highlights a few upcoming funding opportunities.

Last but not least we would like to introduce a new colleague.

The Grants Office Team

Eve Silfverberg, Gillianne Bowman, Aleksandra Grzegorczyk, , Luca Wacker & Julia Wyss

ERC Starting, Consolidator and Synergy Grant Calls 2025

Some good news regarding Horizon Europe, researchers with a Swiss host institution are eligible to apply to the following Calls:

Please get in touch with the us, if you are planning to apply to one of these calls. Together with our colleagues from Euresearch we are offering support and advise to applicants.

SNSF Ambizione 2024

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Last year we celebrated the record of 13 successful applicants in the Ambizione Call. This year, we are very happy to announce that this record has been broken. We congratulate our 14 new Ambizione grantees and wish them all the best for their independent research project!

The deadline for the upcoming Ambizione call is 1st November. Reach out to us for further support.

SNSF Starting Grant Call 2025

Following the announcement that researchers in Switzerland will be eligible for the ERC Starting Grant, the SNSF rapidly announced their plans for the 2025 Call for researchers at this stage of their career. The SNSF Starting Grant Call 2025 with deadline on 15 January 2025, will focus on support for researchers aiming to establish their own research group, in a similar way to the previous Eccellenza and Prima schemes.

Applicants are eligible if they have 2-8 years post PhD experience and have a link to Switzerland (new). Furthermore, applicants who already hold an assistant professorship AND have already received significant third-party funding, will not be eligible. Further details can be found in the call document.  

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions. We are happy to support you and organize the required host institution support letter. Applicants are invited to join our online information event on 7 November, 17.00-18.00. Please register by sending an email to grants@unibas.ch.

SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024

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This year the SNSF continues to offer a call for Postdoctoral Fellowships for researchers from all disciplines and topics who were interested in applying for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship. Applicants should have no more than eight years of postdoctoral experience and may not have worked (or lived) in Switzerland for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to the deadline. Under the SPF scheme you can apply for a 12-24 month postdoc project.

The deadline for submission is 2 December 2024. Detailed information may be found on the SNSF website.

Funding opportunities from private foundations

(c) Pexels © Michael, Pexels

Do you need additional funds for an ongoing research project? Do you plan a short pilot project? Do you plan a longer research or training stay? Are you looking for other funding beyond the major and known funding opportunities?

Why not look for private funding instead or in addition? We present you an overview of private funding organizations in Basel, many exclusively for researchers at the University of Basel.

Read more.

Last but not least - welcome to Aleksandra

Aleksandra Grzegorczyk

We are pleased to announce that Aleksandra Grzegorczyk joined the Grants Office in August.

Aleksandra has 10 years’ experience in proposal writing, project management and administration. She has a master’s degrees in social sciences.

We are pleased to welcome Aleksandra to the team and wish her a good start.

More successes!

The Grants Office would like to congratulate:

  • The fourteen recipients of an Ambizione Grant
  • David Hauser and Heinz Läubli for their Innosuisse grants
  • Daniel Häussinger, Matthias Wymann, Mohamed Bentires-Alj, Douglas Häggström and Georg Rauter for their Horizon Europe MSCA-DN projects
  • Mira Katan for the Horizon Europe project UMBRELLA
  • Aurelien Lucchi and Moritz von Brescius for their SNSF Consolidator Grants
  • Philipp Treutlein and Patrick Maletinsky for their projects from the Swiss Quantum Call 2024
  • Richard Neher for swissuniversities ORD grant
  • Juan Jauregui-Lozano for a HFSP Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • Timm Maier and Frithjof Benjamin Schenk for their Swiss Ukraine Joint Grant Programme projects
  • Carlos Eduardo de Bento Flores and Christoph Dehio for their Alternatives Research and Development Foundation project
  • James Lawrence Zimmermann Merron for a Leading House Africa funded project


ERC Consolidator Info Event

Invited speakers include an ERC representative, a Grantee and an ERC panel member.

2 October, 12.00-14.00, online.

Register here.

Innovative Health Initiative Webinar for Calls 2025

The info session will present the scope of IHI's next call for proposals; demonstrate how to use the new brokerage platform to create a personal profile, publish project proposals, and search for both potential partners and interesting proposals; describe how to apply to deliver a pitch and present a poster at the brokerage event.

10 October, 10.30-11.30, online

Register here.

SNSF & Innosuisse funding scheme information events

SNSF and Innosuisse jointly inform about their funding opportunities. The events include Q&A sessions for each program with the responsible staff members.

16 October, 24 October, 15 November, online

Register here.


What is the commercial potential of my invention? How can my results be translated into practice? Discuss your invention in face-to-face meetings with Unitectra and other experts. Learn about patents, licenses and spin offs.

22 October, 14.00-17.00, Biozentrum


ORD for the Sciences Hackathon

Exploring the potential and impact of Open Research Data on the sciences. The event is co-organized by the Swiss Data Science Center and EPFL Open Science.

24-25 October, Lausanne


SNSF Starting Grant Information Event

We invite all SNSF Starting Grant applicants to join us for an information event covering hands-on experience by a former panel member and a current grantee as well as information on submission formalities.

7 November, 17.00-18.00, online

Register by sending an email to grants@unibas.ch


Horizon Europe Upcoming Calls

New top-down calls within the Horizon Europe are open or coming soon. Swiss research groups are eligible to apply. Please get in touch with us if you plan to apply or have a question.

Overview of calls.


The Swiss Programme for International Research by Scientific Investigation Teams (SPIRIT) promotes team-oriented cross-border research.

Submission deadline 5 November

Call website.


The fourth Biodiversa+ call for transnational consortia is on the topic of Societal Transformation.

Submission deadline of pre-proposal 8 November

Call website.

Innosuisse Flagship "Artificial Intelligence in Life Sciences with a Focus on Human Health"

The Flagship Initiative aims to foster systemic innovation that helps to overcome major challenges for the economy and society. Interdisciplinary and inter-sectorial consortia should develop innovative solutions with AI in order to solve challenges and create value for human health.  

Deadline for pre-proposal 12 November at 12.00 (noon)

Call website.

Belmont Forum: Tropical Forests

The Collaborative Research Action supports proposals on developing innovative solutions to address challenges faced in tropical forest regions.

Submission deadline pre-proposal 12 November

Call website.


The Water4All call supports collaborative projects on aquatic ecosystems services. It covers among others topics like mapping, monitoring and assessment; understanding and predicting multiple pressures; and new tools and solutions for better integration of ecosystem services into the management of water resources.

Submission deadline pre-proposal 13 November

Call website.

Driving Urban Transition

Call for research and innovation projects that focus on circular solutions, sustainable mobility, and renewable energy in cities. Have the chance to collaborate on pressing challenges together with other countries across Europe and beyond.

Submission deadline 14 November

Call website.

DKMS John Hansen Research Grant

Proposals must address issues on hematopoietic stem cell transplantation or cell therapy for hematological diseases.

Submission deadline 20 November

Call website.


Research groups in Switzerland can join a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network as associated partner. PhD students hosted by Swiss research groups will be financed by the Swiss government.

Submission deadline 27 November

Call website.


Transformative cancer research: new insights and new cures. The call is open to teams co-lead by a clinician and a basic research specialist.

Submission deadline of letter of intent 15 December

Submission deadline of application 1 March 2025

Call website.

IBSA Foundation Fellowships 2024 Call

Candidates must be under 40, with a degree in medicine, biology, pharmacy, biotechnology or bioengineering.

Submission deadline 31 January 2025

Call website.

Check out Research Professional for more national and international Calls.

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