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Horizon Europe: Ready for the mission?

Horizon Europe

It was not long ago that Swiss participation in the European Research Framework Programme was in jeopardy following the SVP initiative on mass immigration. In 2014, nine months after the official launch of Horizon2020, Switzerland was partially-associated and only from the beginning of 2017 fully associated. Now, Horizon2020 is already in its second half and is entering its final highest budget phase.

To date, the University of Basel has acquired 46 Million EUR via Horizon 2020. 16 Researchers have received an ERC grant, 32 Researchers have participated in collaborative projects and 20 young researchers are supported by Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions.

However, the European Commission (EC) is already designing the next European Research Framework Programme, Horizon Europe, which will be running from 2021 to 2027. A first proposal, based on the evaluation of previous framework programmes, expert studies as well as stakeholder and public consultations, is expected to be adopted by the EC in summer 2018. The current budget proposal ranges between 100 and 120 billion Euros, which would make Horizon Europe the biggest research funding programme ever. The European Research and Innovation Strategy will be of great importance to Switzerland and the University of Basel, offering not only attractive funding opportunities, but is also setting trends for the future. The Grants Office has therefore summarised below the most important developments.

The report of the European Parliament Research Services published in April 2018 highlights in particular two new measures expected to be introduced under Horizon Europe:

  • First, the European Innovation Council (EIC) will be the strategic initiative to support breakthrough innovation, combining new and existing instruments to address gaps in current EU support for innovation.
  • Second, a mission-oriented approach to bring together resources and knowledge from different disciplines is foreseen, merging topdown definitions of bold objectives (possibly aligned with the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals) with instruments supporting bottom-up solutions, to achieve greater impact in tackling societal challenges.
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