Budget and Management Aspects
In general for Horizon Europe projects (e.g. collaborative projects, ERC), 100% of direct costs are financed and an additional 25% (of the direct costs) is calculated as indirect costs (overhead).
For some specific programmes (e.g. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships) fixed flat-rates or other cost models may apply. Please always check the call documents for details or ask the International Grants Office.
The university's Grants Tool includes several budget calculators for the individual programme types (ERC, Collaborative projects etc) and can assist you with the calculation of costs e.g. costs for personnel, overhead.
When the project is successfully funded, the data is used in order to open a project account within the same system.
If you have questions regarding your project budgets please contact International Grants Office or the Finance & Controlling Department well in advance, we are happy to help you.
Please consider the following aspects when preparing your budget:
- If your grant is more than EUR 430'000 (Horizon Europe projects), you will require a Certificate of Financial Statements at the end of the project duration. This should be budgeted for under "Other direct costs" with the amount of EUR 5'000.
- Special rules apply to Subcontracting. For this cost category no overhead may be calculated. Please inform the International Grants Office if your proposal involves subcontracting.
- Please note that new equipment for a project (Neuanschaffungen) cannot be directly financed. However you have the possibility to charge depreciation costs of all equipment used for the project, as long as the internal rules of the University concerning depreciation are respected. Therefore new equipment may be (at least partially) financed. Please contact Finance & Controlling for details.
Please contact us as early as possible if you have any questions regarding budgets in EU research programmes.
Sylviane Arnold
Controlling & Reporting
Time Sheets
All staff working for Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe projects (whose salary is charged to the project) need to keep time-sheets. At the University of Basel, time-sheets must to be signed by the researcher and the senior scientist. Templates for the Uni Basel can be found here. Completed Time-sheets should be sent to Julia Oberfell or Sylviane Arnold from Finance & Controlling.
Financial Information (For Funding from EC in Euro only)
VAT Nr.: CHE115244907MWST
For Payments in Euro:
Bank Name: Basler Kantonalbank
Bank Address: Postfach, CH-4002 Basel
Account name: Universitäts Vermögen
IBAN: CH76 0077 0016 0653 4192 2
Bank Code Number: 770, Account Number: 16.0.653.419.22
At the University of Basel, once the total project costs have been allocated, the remaining overhead is distributed as follows:
a) For project partners (and Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellows)
- 1/4 goes to the research group
- 3/4 go to the overhead account of the University of Basel
b) For coordinators of collaborative projects and ERC grantees
- 2/4 go to the research group
- 2/4 go to the overhead account of the University of Basel
(Reference: Rektoratsbeschluss 15th January 2008 / New rule for ERC Grantees 7th. April 2010)