The University of Basel offers a range of programs for continuing education that combine academic learning with professional experience in best way possible and further one's career.
Continuing education is a key component when it comes to planning a career path. In many cases, it is the first step in a series of significant career changes. The University of Basel offers over 80 continuing-education programs for postgraduates along with part-time options for professionals. With us you will find the right continuing education for your next career step.
«Advanced Studies», the magazine for academic continuing education of the University of Basel. It is published in autumn every year and provides an in-depth overview of specific degree programs and continuing education at the university in general. The publication is in German with selected articles in English.
Over 80 postgraduate studies and many continuing education courses: The University of Basel offers professionals continuing education opportunities in a wide range of subject areas.
In addition to the many continuing education courses, we also offer interesting and instructive day courses, for example in project management, design thinking, personal work techniques, scientific writing and many others.
Current overview of continuing education programs (CAS, DAS, MAS, MBA) at the University of Basel
Finally, our popular calendar with all the important dates from our university and the city of Basel is also available for download.
Part-time degree programs for professionals have different admission requirements depending on the subject and type of study. A person is not automatically entitled to enroll in a certain degree program.
In general, a Master's degree from a university or equivalent certification from a recognized higher education institution is required. Highly qualified individuals who do not meet these criteria may be accepted in exceptional cases if they are able to document their professional experience and additional qualifications in the relevant subject areas.
Admission to certain degree programs is decided on the basis of an interview or entrance examination.
Proficiency in the language(s) of instruction is a prerequisite for all degree programs.
Continuing education programs are standardized across all Swiss universities. Programs differ with respect to the length and scope of studies, i.e. what students are expected to achieve in terms of ECTS credit points.
The following types of programs are available:
Continuing education courses (one to several days)
ECTS stands for European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. One ECTS credit point is equivalent to 30 hours of work.
Fees for continuing education degrees are usually billed in installments. The director of the respective degree program can provide further details.
Yes, this is possible but the process for doing so depends on the specific degree program.
One of key aims of a continuing education program is to link academic knowledge with one's career.
Continuing education programs create a direct connection between the curriculum and students' professional work in their field through the selection of subject matter, expert input, discussions, case studies and projects. The focus of these programs is to strengthen the student's problem-solving skills, which are practiced in practical tasks relevant to the person's field of work.
Studierende der folgenden Studienangebote werden immatrikuliert: DAS, MAS und MBA.
Studierende, die einen CAS-Studiengang besuchen, werden nicht immatrikuliert. CAS-Studierende erhalten folglich auch keinen Unibas-Account.
CAS-Studierende werden nicht immatrikuliert. Sie erhalten daher keinen Unibas-Account. Dennoch bekommen sie ebenfalls Zugriff auf die Ressourcen der Bibliothek, da es sich um eine öffentliche Bibliothek handelt. Voraussetzung ist ein Wohnsitz in der Schweiz oder ein Wohnsitz in Deutschland oder Frankreich im grenznahen Gebiet zur Schweiz.
Benutzerinnen und Benutzer, die keine Angehörigen der Universität Basel sind, können mit einem Nutzerkonto der Bibliothek dann entweder über einen Rechner der Universität oder über einem externen Rechner, mittels einer zur Verfügung gestellten geschützten Verbindung, auf die lizenzierten Inhalte zugreifen. Über Swisscovery haben Benutzer*innen auch Zugang zu anderen Schweizer Bibliotheken, die Mitglied bei dem Verbund Swisscovery sind.
Mehr Informationen finden sich hier:
Bei der Zulassung werden in der grundständigen Lehre keine Sprachnachweise mehr überprüft (Studierendenordnung § 14). Dies gilt ebenfalls für die Weiterbildung. Man zählt dabei auf die Eigenverantwortung der Studierenden; die notwendigen Sprachkenntnisse werden vorausgesetzt. Sind spezifische Sprachkenntnisse nötig, kann das zwar im Studienplan oder im Organisationsplan festgehalten werden, aber ein Nachweis im Sinne eines Zertifikats kann nicht verlangt werden.