Advisory Services

Questions regarding academic qualifications are answered by the respective department, for example, by the supervising professor, the doctoral board or the dean’s office. An overview of other advisory services can be found here. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact GRACE.
Personal Integrity, Diversity, Inclusion and Health
Personal Integrity Coordinator and Protection Against Sexual Harassment
A violation of personal rights, discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying and the abuse of power are serious offenses and are not tolerated at the University of Basel. Do you need help and support? Please contact the Personal Integrity Coordinator.
Contact point for all members of the university with questions regarding equal opportunities such as work-life balance, parenting, career as well as bullying and discrimination.
Study Advice Center and Psychological Counseling
The Student Advice Center is the first contact point for doctoral students at the University of Basel who suffer from stress and psychological problems.
Students without Barriers (StoB) Service Point
The service point Students without Barriers (Studieren ohne Barrieren, StoB) provides information and advice on studying with a disability, chronic illness or mental illness.
Health Promotion
Health promotion is an important topic at the University of Basel. Here you find an overview of links to resources which help you take care of your health.
Terms of Employment
Human Resources
The Human Resources office is a central service unit of the University of Basel that supports its members on all HR matters.
Ombudsman's Ofiice
The Ombudsman’s Office deals with internal university concerns and complaints from all members of the university.
Leadership & Development
The department Leadership & Development supports all employees of the University of Basel in their different roles and responsibilities. They provide support in the following areas: professional cooperation, HR management, career planning and dealing with difficult situations or conflicts.
Family Services
Family Services offer information and advice on questions concerning the compatibility of family and career at the university.
Military and Civilian Services
Information on income compensation during military or civilian service.
Parenthood Compensation
Information on maternity/paternity leave and parenthood compensation.
New in Basel, Representation of Interests and Legal Advice
Welcome & Euraxess Center
As part of the International Office, the Welcome & Euraxess Center helps new members and guests of the university to find their way around the university and the Basel region.
International Office
The International Office is the contact point for questions concerning international cooperation and exchange programs at the University of Basel.
Assistants' Association
The co-presidents of the assistants’ association avuba provide a discreet and anonymous advisory service on topics relevant to teaching and research assistants. For inquiries and to schedule an appointment, please contact
skuba Legal Advice
Free legal advice for members of skuba and avuba.
Legal Advice for Students and Families
The Faculty of Law offers free legal advice on all areas of law (including family law) to all students at the University of Basel.
Scientific Integrity
Overview of the contacts responsible for handling cases of suspected scientific misconduct. In case of a suspected violation of the rules of good scientific practice, researchers are requested to contact the respective faculty contact person or the Integrity Ombudsperson.
Financial and Individual Support
antelope is a career program for female early career researchers.
Career Advancement Office
The team of the Career Advancement Office advises doctoral candidates and postdocs on funding opportunities and possible academic career paths.
Grants Office
The Grants Office is the central contact point for questions regarding national and international funding programs. It offers support during both the application period as well as the project phase.
Career and Further Training
Career Counseling
The team of the Career Advancement Office answers any questions concerning academic career paths.
Transferable Skills
Transferable Skills courses offered by the Graduate Center.
Other Training Opportunities
More training opportunities for doctoral candidates and postdocs at the University of Basel.
Directory of the Support Services at the University of Basel
Support Services Guide
An overview of the wide range of support services at the University of Basel is provided by the Support Services Guide. The tool facilitates the search for the right contact person.