
Dissertation and Defense
Depending on the disciplinary culture, a dissertation may consist of a certain number of scientific papers or a monograph. The specific requirements in terms of scope and quality of the dissertation are defined in the doctoral studies regulations and the respective faculty regulations. In case of questions, please contact the Office of the Dean of Research of your faculty.
In addition to your research publications, you have to pass a doctoral examination. Please inform yourself about the faculty-specific requirements in due time.
Doctoral candidates at the University of Basel have the possibility to submit a request for contributions towards the printing costs of their dissertation. For further details and deadlines, please have a look at the section Printing Cost Contribution for Publication of Dissertations.
Detailed instructions for the electronic publication of your dissertation are available on the website of the university library in the section E-Dissertation.
Already during but especially after your doctorate, you have to think about your career path. An overview of national and international job portals with current vacancies can be found here.
Information on the admission of workers from so-called third states and (approval) procedures can be found on the website of the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM).
Academic Career
An important career path after the doctorate is an academic career. If you would like remain in research and you strive for an academic career, there are many things to consider. In most scientific disciplines, the next stage after the PhD is a postdoc. In the section Academic Careers, you find answers to questions such as: How do I find a postdoc position? How do I develop an independent research profile? Where do I find information about mobility?
After finishing your dissertation, you do not necessarily have to cut ties with the University of Basel. Become a member of AlumniBasel, keep in touch with graduates and friends of the University of Basel and attend activities and events.