Revisions and Development
The University has established a standardized process for revisions of existing and for the development of new bachelor and master degree programs.
The Program Development Office acts as supporting and advisory interface function between the faculties and the central facilities of the Presidents' Office. It organizes and coordinates the standardized process of development and revisions of bachelor and master degree programs and brings together the responsible parties (faculties and departments, student services, legal services) to ensure that the discipline- and field-specific, academic, administrative, legal and strategic perspectives are all taken into account throughout the process.
The timing of the process depends on university-wide administrative dates such as the information day, application for studies, publishing of the academic curriculum for the online course catalog, etc.
Further information on dates and deadlines, on the process, as well as the application form (all German) can be found in the download box below.
For general questions or additional information regarding development of new or revisions of existing degree programs do not hesitate to contact us.
Guidelines and Recommendations
Below you find guidelines and recommendations that should be consulted and considered when modifying existing and developing new degree programs (Links to documents in German).
Further Information
- Merbklatt Mastertypen und gesamtuniversitäre Vorgaben für konsekutive, interdisziplinäre und spezialisierte Masterstudiengänge (14.06.2023) (PDF, 141 KB)
- Verordnung des Hochschulrates über die Koordination der Lehre an den Schweizer Hochschulen (SHK) (29. November 2019)
- Kommentar der SHK zur Verordnung des Hochschulrates über die Koordination der Lehre an den Schweizer Hochschulen (2019)
- swissuniversities Regelung der Zulassung in konsekutive Masterstudiengänge: Aktualisierte Liste der Studienrichtungen der universitären Hochschulen (vom 25. Oktober 2019, aktualisiert am 21. März 2024)