Promoting Health

Allocating resources effectively is the key to success and excellence. Taking care of one's health and well-being is an important aspect of sustainability. Balancing and regenerating attentively one's personal resources is of the essence in a competitive environment. The University of Basel is committed to protecting and promoting their faculty and staff, and students’ health.
The University of Basel is a founding member of the Swiss Network of Health Promoting Universities and Colleges ("Netzwerk Gesundheitsfördernde Hochschulen Schweiz") which adheres to the Okanagan Charter.
The Department Leadership & Development is coordinating the University of Basel’s health promotion beyond the legally compulsive Occupational Safety & Health Protection. T & D actively support management, staff, and faculty in establishing a culture of respectful and fair collaboration and leadership, which in turn enhance motivation, creativity, and well-being.
«Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.»
Principle 1 of the World Health Organization, WHO’s Constitution.
High performers, high achievers
The University of Basel’s students, staff and faculty are above average intrinsically motivated, competitive, and well informed. High achievers and high performers run the risk – in the long run – to exploit their resources and resilience, and in the worst case to burn out mentally, physically and emotionally. Thus, prevention and balancing one’s resources is of the essence.
Here, you find a list of links to information, tools, and contacts, which may be useful in supporting you, your team, and students in taking care of your and their health.
Manage your workload, take a break and go for a constitutional, around the block, along the Rhine, or in the University’s Botanical Gardens.
HR is providing a tool to record and control your working hours and overtime.
SUVA, the Swiss National Accident Insurance Fund, is providing a host of information on how to set up your desk (PDF Document) or lab bench ergonomically and taking short breaks from the desk (with illustrations, available in the official Swiss languages, French, German and Italian).
Exercising and eating healthy
Occupational Safety & Health Protection
Prevent and resolve conflicts
Mental Health Crises and Emergencies
Government Organizations and NGOs promoting health in Switzerland. (Information provided in one of the official Swiss languages French or Italian.)
- Netzwerk Gesundheitsfördernde Hochschulen Schweiz, (Swiss Network of Health Promoting Universities and Colleges)
- Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz (Health Promotion Switzerland)
- Prävention des Gesundheitsdepartementes Basel-Stadt (Departement of Health, Canton Basel-Stadt)
- Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft, Seco: Ressourcen zum Thema psychsoziale Risiken am Arbeitsplatz (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Seco: Resources on workplace-related psycho-social risks)