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FAQ Unisport: General

  • How and when can I reach the University Sports office?

    The contact details and counter opening hours of the University Sports Office can be found under «About us».

  • Where can I find an overview of the official vacations on which there is no university sports?

    The vacations and public holidays on which there is no university sport can be found under «Program».

  • Are there any courses that are held in English?

    In principle, the language of instruction is German. If courses are also held in English, this will be indicated in the course description.

    We would like to point out that in courses with safety-relevant content (such as mountain sports and adventure) the understanding and speaking of the German language is a prerequisite for participation.

  • Is there a lost and found at University Sports?

    University Sports does not have a lost and found. Please contact the* janitor of the halls/facilities.

    Leonhard Schulhaus - Tel. +41 61 267 55 10
    Gymnasium Bäumlihof - Tel. +41 61 208 60 35
    Sportanlage Bachgraben - Tel. +41 61 267 47 38
    Sportanlage St. Jakob - Tel. +41 61 267 41 70
    ipso! Eulerhof  - Tel. +41 58 100 20 20 

    For further information, please contact the University Sports office.

Further information

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