Sustainability Committee
As a permanent Senate Committee, the Sustainability Committee advises the University of Basel and its members on the development and implementation of strategic projects in the field of sustainability. It channels requests and ideas from faculties, university members and administrative departements. Additionally, it provides a platform to improve visibility and information dissemination about the university's sustainability projects.
The Sustainabilty Committee is involved in university development and consultation processes and submits proposals and recommendations.
Members of the Sustainability Committee
Dr. Rolf Borner
President's Office
Director of Infrastructure and Operations
Prof. Dr. Andreas Heuser
Faculty of Theology
Representative of the Faculty
Prof. Dr. Andreas Müller
Faculty of Law
Representative of the Faculty
Prof. Dr. Frank Zimmermann
Faculty of Medicine
Representative of the Faculty
Prof. Dr. Ruth Delzeit
Faculty of Science
Representative of the Faculty
Prof. Dr. Frank Krysiak
Faculty of Business and Economics
Representative of the Faculty
Prof. Dr. Roselind Lieb
Faculty of Psychology
Representative of the Faculty
Prof. Dr. Janina Grabs
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Representative of the Faculty
Dr. Annika Sohre
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Representative Group II
Jodok Maria Happacher
Faculty of Sciences
Representative Group III
Andrea Ottolini-Voellmy
Faculty of Medicine
Representative Group IV
Stephanie Salz
AG Nachhaltigkeit
Representative Group V
Arne Menn
Sustainability Office
Head of Sustainbility
Dr.-Ing. Irmo Lehmann
Infrastructure and Operations
Head of Facilities
Markus Kreienbühl
Infrastructure and Operations
Head of Portfolio Management
Mike Rümmele
Head of Controlling & Reporting
Links & Downloads
Dr. Katharina Blaurock
Project Manager Sustainability