Alte Universität, Lecture Hall -101, Rheinsprung 9, 4051 Basel
From Sumscore To Machine Learning … And Back?
Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Dr. Mirka Henninger, Professor for Statistics and Data Science
Prof. Dr. Mirka Henninger.
Professor Mirka Henninger took up her position as assistant professor with tenure track in statistics and data science at the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Basel in February 2024.
Mirka Henninger studied psychology at the University of Mannheim and the Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich. In 2019, she earned a doctorate at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Mannheim. Since 2020, she has been working as a postdoctoral researcher and from 2023 onward as a senior research associate for psychological methods at the Department of Psychology of the University of Zurich.
Her research program comprises psychometric modeling, machine learning methods and the modeling of multilevel data. In these areas and their intersections, Mirka Henninger develops and evaluates new statistical procedures. In her research, she investigates psychometric models in order to enhance test fairness and to control measurement error. She also evaluates machine learning methods for their applicability in psychological research, and explores how multilevel data can be analyzed using psychometric models and machine learning methods. Through her research, she facilitates advancements in the assessment of psychological characteristics and the optimal analysis of multivariate data within the field of psychology.
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