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Senate discusses revised regulations on the protection of personal integrity

Large group of people in formal attire seated around a conference table during a meeting, with laptops, notebooks, and coffee cups in front of them.
Meeting of the Senate (symbolic image, photo from 2019). ( Photo: University of Basel, Peter Schnetz)

Last week’s Senate meeting focused on the revised regulations on the protection of personal integrity. The board also awarded ten people the title of Dr. habil. and the Venia docendi.

25 March 2025

Large group of people in formal attire seated around a conference table during a meeting, with laptops, notebooks, and coffee cups in front of them.
Meeting of the Senate (symbolic image, photo from 2019). ( Photo: University of Basel, Peter Schnetz)

Professor Nadja Braun Binder, Vice President for People & Culture, explained to the Senate the new regulations on the protection of personal integrity at the University of Basel, which are in force as of 1 January 2025. The revision was prompted by practical experience with the external and internal investigations carried out in recent years.

The new regulations upgraded the Personal Integrity Coordination Office to a specialist office. At the same time, the President’s Office approved a second position for the Personal Integrity Office. These additional resources are intended in particular to strengthen prevention work and offer further support.

Senate awards Venia docendi

At the request of two faculties, the Senate has awarded nine individuals the title of Dr. habil. and the Venia docendi. The academics are thus authorized to use the title of lecturer (Privatdozent) and the academic degree of Dr. habil.

Faculty of Medicine
  • Dr. Stefan Fischli for endocrinology, diabetology and metabolism
  • Dr. Wolfgang Hasemann for nursing science
  • Dr. Luca Koechlin for cardiac surgery
  • PD Dr. Beda Mühleisen for dermatology (simultaneous “Umhabilitation”, transfer of authorization to teach)
  • Dr. Anton Oseledchyk for medical oncology
  • Dr. Tristan Mirko Struja for internal medicine
  • Dr. Jasmin Zeindler for visceral surgery
Faculty of Science
  • Dr. Nicolas Philippe Bukowiecki for atmospheric sciences
  • Dr. Jurriaan Michiel de Vos for systematic and evolutionary botany

In addition, at the request of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Senate awarded the degree Dr. habil. to Dr. Markus Kersten for classical philology.

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