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President Andrea Schenker-Wicki receives an honorary doctorate from the Université de Haute-Alsace

Three academic officials in ceremonial robes stand on stage at Université Haute-Alsace. One woman, in the center, speaks at a podium, flanked by two men.
Andrea Schenker Wicki together with the former President of the Université de Haute-Alsace, Gérard Binder (left), and the current President Pierre-Alain Muller. (Photo: David Montillot)

Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Andrea Schenker-Wicki, President of the University of Basel and Eucor—The European Campus, was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Université de Haute-Alsace.

27 June 2024

Three academic officials in ceremonial robes stand on stage at Université Haute-Alsace. One woman, in the center, speaks at a podium, flanked by two men.
Andrea Schenker Wicki together with the former President of the Université de Haute-Alsace, Gérard Binder (left), and the current President Pierre-Alain Muller. (Photo: David Montillot)

“We are delighted to honor Professor Andrea Schenker-Wicki’s extraordinary achievements for our region with this honorary doctorate,” said Professor Gérard Binder, former President of the Université Haute-Alsace, at the ceremony in Mulhouse. In her role as President of the University of Basel and as President of Eucor—The European Campus, she has made an important contribution to strengthening the universities in the Upper Rhine region.

The Eucor university network is a profoundly European project, emphasized Andrea Schenker-Wicki in her acceptance speech. “This project is based on European values such as freedom and democracy,” said the President, “and peace in a region strongly characterized by the two world wars in the twentieth century is also built on these values.”

Over the last eighty years, our border region has grown closer together and is now working together successfully economically and scientifically. One of the common goals in the field of innovation is the Upper Rhine Biocampus: “This strategic project will enable us to strengthen the social impact of our Eucor network sustainably,” says Andrea Schenker-Wicki, “and in this way, we will make the Upper Rhine region a world-leading innovation hub in the fields of life sciences and MedTech.” Andrea Schenker-Wicki was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna in 2013 and by the Asian University for Women in 2023.

Université Haute-Alsace in the Eucor network

The Université Haute-Alsace, which awarded this honorary doctorate, is one of the five partner institutions of Eucor—The European Campus, which includes the University of Basel, the Universities of Fribourg and Strasbourg and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Andrea Schenker-Wicki, President of the University of Basel, has chaired this network since 2020.

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