antelope Career Program

antelope - for the leap ahead. In this compact, competitive and tailor-made career program, highly qualified female postdoctoral researchers and excellent, advanced doctoral students from all faculties are supported in the systematic planning and development of their academic careers and prepared for future leadership and management assignments.
antelope was the starting signal for me to enter the application race for a professorship. Then professional accompaniment and support during the whole marathon – up to the successful finish!
Prof. Anna Petrig, antelope professorship 2016
antelope accompanies you on your way to becoming a professor by offering you a range of customized modules. The program consists of the three elements career camp, coaching and career toolbox. A kick-off and a closing event round off the program. In the career camp you will undergo intensive appointment training. You attend two individual coaching sessions on the topics of funding and leadership/empowerment, in which you discuss your concrete research proposal and reflect on your leadership style or strengthen your success strategies. The career toolbox offers you a maximum of CHF 1,000 which you can use for a career-promoting trainig measure of your choice, such as media training, negotiation or manuscript coaching sessions and meetings with experts.
Admission requirements
You are a highly qualified female postdoctoral researcher, a junior group leader or an extremely promising doctoral student shortly before graduation at the University of Basel or at a Basel university clinic. You want to advance your academic career, optimize your skills profile, and prepare yourself for future appointment procedures.
The program is trans-inclusive.
Application procedure and terms of participation
The next call will be published in early December 2025.
For questions, please contact us at
With your application you agree to our terms of participation.
In principle, attendance is required at all program elements. Failure to attend may result in exclusion from the program.
Selection process
The selection is made by the antelope Selection Committee and coordinated by the Diversity & Inclusion Unit. The Selection Committee consists mainly of members of the Junior Researchers Committee and the Diversity Committee as well as representatives from the university hospitals. The following categories will be evaluated for selection: CV and achievements, publications, letter of motivation, career plan, outstanding points, timing.
antelope Selection Committee
Prof. Birgit Cornelia Donner
Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Thierry Girard
Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Karin Hartmann
Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Dietmar Maringer
Faculty of Business and Economics
Prof. Henriette E. Meyer zu Schwabedissen
Faculty of Science
Prof. Andreas Müller
Faculty of Law
Prof. Richard Neher
Faculty of Science
Prof. Nicole Ritz
Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Markus Wild
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Program 2025
Kick-off event
This kick-off workshop lays the foundation for your successful participation in the antelope program. You receive an orientation to the program as well as meet your fellow participants and start to build a new network of mutual support for this crucial phase of your career. It takes place on 28 April.
Career Camp
As part of the two- or three-day career camp, you look intensively at the topic of appointment procedure and application. In addition, this external camp serves to build networks and promote interdisciplinary exchange of ideas.
Depending on your assignment to a faculty (enrollment or employment), you will be assigned to one of the two Career Camps. The Career Camp for participants from the Faculty of Medicine takes place on 4 and 5 June 2025 and the Career Camp for participants from other faculties will take place on 7, 8 and 9 May 2025.
You attend two individual coaching sessions on the topics of funding and leadership/empowerment, in which you discuss your concrete research proposal and reflect on your leadership style or strengthen your success strategies.
A successful academic career includes the recruited third-party funding as main applicant of funding organizations such as the SNSF. In one coaching session, this Coaching Funding offers the development of a strategy which national funding instruments are best suited for you as a researcher, which timing or which third-party funding cascade makes sense. In addition, you will be given concrete advice when preparing an application or with a «final check» of the application and application documents. The different target groups are considered in this offer as follows:
Coaching Funding Postdocs & Clinical Researchers
The challenges faced by postdocs and clinical researchers have risen successively in recent years, including extensive third-party funding as the main applicant, a stay abroad of a defined duration and the establishment of own a research group with PhD candidates. These topics will be included in Coaching Funding.
Coaching Funding for advanced PhD candidates
Planning Funding after graduation with the relevant topics of mobility, conception of your own research topic and project at early postdoc level.
Language: German and English
Time frame: April to December
Duration: one session per 60 to 90 minutes
Performance: digital
Susanne Matuschek
More than 20 years of experience in the topic of research funding and the support of early stage career researchers, clinical researchers and physicians with focus on women. Over 8 years at the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF): e.g. Program Manager of the Marie Heim-Vögtlin Grants (promotion of women) as well career advisory input for early stage career researchers. Chair of two European Working Groups on «Conditions of a Research Career in Europe» & «Gender Issues».
Since 2010 active in her own company MATUSCHEK CONSULTING: Coaching, Workshops, Trainings for third-party funding and Moderation in Science/Research and Clinic.
Empowerment or Leadership
A combination of group and individual coaching sessions offers you a space for working on some personal challenges. You choose one of the three workshop days, the individual coaching sessions will take place within one month afterwards. You will reflect on your emerging leadership profile (as leader with or without formal authority), explore ways of building effective work relations, and consider how you earn «the right to be followed» within the various contexts in which you are seeking to achieve goals together with others.
This interactive workshop will focus on the social nature of leadership and highlight some key qualities and skills associated with effective leadership. Next to hierarchical/formal leadership roles we will also consider informal leadership (for instance, leading peers).
- Formal and informal leadership roles and settings
- Leadership as relational art
- Leadership as sensemaking process
- Communication skills that enhance leadership impact
Language: English
Time frame: Group workshop 27 May
Duration: group workshop 8 hours and individual follow-up 90 minutes
Location: Hotel Odelya
In this workshop you will explore the topic of power and self-empowerment with a focus on typical challenges for women when it comes to career and professional issues as well as status and power games. Interactive exercises and guided reflections will present a framework for you to investigate how you manage yourself and different types of working relationships, how others perceive you, and how skilled you are at influencing others. On that basis you will develop new strategies for your personal empowerment and self-leadership.
- Typical (career) traps for women
- Power and communication styles
- Recognizing and managing status games
- Building a «repertoire» for dealing with difficult situations
Language: German and English
Time frame: Group workshop EN 19 May, group workshop GER 24 June
Duration: group workshop 8 hours and individual follow-up 90 minutes
Location: Hotel Odelya
Andrea Kleinhuber
Andrea Kleinhuber is head of the leadership development function at University Hospital Basel and she also freelances as a coach, team developer, facilitator and trainer. She has completed a Master’s degree in cultural anthropology at McMaster University, Canada, as well as several postgraduate certificates in the fields of arts & media management, non-profit management, personnel & organizational development as well as change management at universities and colleges in Germany and Switzerland. Prior to taking her position as the hospital, Andrea Kleinhuber has worked in academic publishing, in the pharmaceutical and medtech industries as well as for the University of Basel. She is certified as a trainer and coach through the Schulz von Thun Institute in Hamburg, Germany, and completed further coaching certifications within other schools and traditions (e.g. with Robert Dilts & Steven Gilligan, Reinhold Miller, Claus Nowak and at the Milton Erikson Institute in Rottweil), giving her a broad range of approaches and tools to draw from in her work.
Career Toolbox
The career toolbox gives you the opportunity to apply for a grant of up to CHF 1,000 to fund a measure of your choice to promote your career and optimize your skills portfolio. You may request a financial subsidy for a measure that can be implemented quickly and easily, starting from your personal potential and individual needs. This measure can be based in different fields and relate to technical and interdisciplinary, interpersonal, methodological and analytical, and social skills. Specifically, it could involve: media training, manuscript or negotiation coaching sessions, meetings with experts.
Please note that the entitlement will lapse after the end of the submission deadline on 30 September 2025!
Closing event
All antelope participants meet again at the closing event on 27 November. In addition to an inspiring input from an expert, you will also receive your certificate.
Agenda antelope 2025
28 April
Opening, full day
April to December
Coaching Funding, 1 session per 90 minutes
7, 8 and 9 May
Career Camp, full days with overnight stay
19 or 27 May or 24 June
Workshop Coaching Leadership/Empowerment, once full day
4 and 5 June
Career Camp, full days with overnight stay
30 September
Application Deadline Career Toolbox
27 November
Closing, afternoon
About the program’s name
The name of the program, antelope, is an extended acronym of mentorship & training equal opportunities.
The antelope is a symbol of dynamism and advancement. In classical and medieval texts, the antelope (antalopus/antholops) is described as a very strong, wild animal that escapes capture by hunters:
«Es gibt ein Tier, Antilope genannt, das sehr wild ist, sodass ein Jäger ihm nicht nahe kommen kann, weil es so stark ist. Es hat aber lange Hörner am Kopf, die einer Säge gleichen, sodass es damit grosse und hohe Bäume ansägt und zur Erde wirft.»
Physiologus, Griechisch/Deutsch, übersetzt und herausgegeben von Otto Schönberger, Reclam 2001, S. 73.
Dr. Julia Bzzi
Project Leader Diversity & Inclusion