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SPHN Projects

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PHB activities are closely coordinated with the national efforts of the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) in which experts from Basel significantly contributed at all levels. The goal of the initiative is to lay the necessary groundwork to enable a nationwide exchange of health-related data. This is intended to improve disease prevention and medical practice, enable breakthrough innovative treatments, and promote transdisciplinary research.

Information for PIs - Legal Agreements on research projects

Please note that for Basel the legal agreements on research projects should include both University of Basel and University Hospital Basel (USB) as contractual partners and both entities should be listed as parties in the consortium agreements. The legal agreements must be assessed and verified by the following legal departments and representatives:

For University of Basel:

For University Hospital of Basel (USB):

After having revised and approved the agreements, the legal services will collect the signatures from the authorized representatives of the respective institutions.

Further information

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