AI in learning and teaching
The use of Artificial Intelligence in learning and teaching (e.g. ChatGPT) is currently at the center of many discussions. AI technology represents a challenge for higher education institutions, but it also provides new opportunities.
The University of Basel closely follows the development of chatbots and other AI-based tools, especially from the perspective of their use in learning and teaching.
The University of Basel is not planning to introduce a general ban on such tools.
AI-based tools in teaching
The University of Basel does not plan to introduce a general ban on AI-based tools. Professors and lecturers can decide on a case-by-case basis if they want to integrate AI-based tools into their teaching and/or into exams and assessments, or if they want to restrict their use.
Guidelines “Citing AI tools”
How should students declare their use of AI-based tools and how should they cite AI-generated texts and images? The document “Citing AI tools” provides guidance on the use of AI-based tools in scientific writing.
Declaration of independent authorship
For Faculties and Departments requiring students at any level (Bachelor, Master, PhD) to include a Declaration of independent authorship in their written work, this sample formulation has been prepared.
The following matrix provides suggestions on how to handle AI-based tools in teaching and shows the measures that the University of Basel has implemented, or plans to implement.
Scenario 1: Integration
Using AI-based tools productively in learning and teaching (AI literacy)
Training and developing new text-production skills
Offering training opportunities
(see below)
Providing access to tools
Providing or licensing tools, if required
Compliance with data protection and copyright law (data is stored on US servers)
Assessing tools from the perspective of data protection and copyright law
Scenario 2: Regulation
Restricting the use of AI in exams and assessments
Adapting tasks in exams and assessments (learning objectives level)
Offering training opportunities
(see below)
Preventing access to tools (assessment security)
Exam-wifi / Safe Browser
Setting up restrictions (preventive measures / scientific integrity)
Declaration of independent authorship (see above)
Materials and training opportunities
To support students and teaching staff in the area of AI-based tools, the following materials and training opportunities have been developed.
AI Literacy
The University's Framework Digital Literacies has now been expanded to include AI literacy as an integral part of digital skills.
Online courses on ChatGPT in teaching
For University members, the online course on “ChatGPT and AI in higher education” is available. Participants can earn credits for the University of Basel’s certificate in university didactics. A course about assessment in a world with AI is also available for all university members (in German only).
Information on the University's intranet
University staff members will find information on AI in teaching on this intranet page, which receives regular updates.
Working group – AI in teaching
The mission of the Learning & Teaching unit is to prepare and curate relevant information from the teaching perspective to help strategic decision-making and to provide guidance to Faculties and Departments. In the realization of this mission, the working group “AI in teaching” assumes the function of a sounding board that
- brings in a variety of perspectives when processing relevant information,
- selects and prioritizes arguments to facilitate decision-making,
- provides feedback on positions and products.
- Prof. Thomas Grob, Vice-President for Education (Chair)
- Dr. Gudrun Bachmann, Educational Technologies
- Karsten Engel, University Library
- Dr. Stefanie Hof-Seiler, Graduate Center
- Simone Mäder, Data Protection Officer
- Dr. Dominik Marti, Educational Development
- Dr. Frank Neumann, Research Office
- David Schaub, Legal Services
- Dr. Jean Terrier, Educational Technologies
- Gerhild Tesak, Educational Development
- Further experts, dependent on topic