
Sustainability is at the heart of the University of Basel’s values, and sustainable principles are applied to research, teaching and operations. Sustainability is firmly anchored in the University’s 2022-2030 Strategy and in its mission statement. As a central unit, the Sustainability Office initiates and coordinates various projects.
As a research institution of excellence, the University of Basel generates new knowledge in sustainability-related fields to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainable development also plays an important role in the University's curriculum, with the aim of educating undergraduate and graduate students to become change agents for sustainability. And a continuous monitoring of environmental, economic and social indicators is the basis for a sustainable operational management.
In addition, the overarching Climate Strategy 2024 - 2030 defines key measures in five priority areas to reduce the university's emissions by 35% by 2030.
Working towards a sustainable university
In order to bring the multifaceted topic of sustainability to life at the University of Basel, the Sustainability Office acts as a catalyst: it initiates, supports and coordinates sustainability initiatives at the University as well as implements its own projects in close cooperation with other departments and units. It provides advice, raises awareness, makes activities relevant to sustainability visible and develops instruments for the long-term institutional implementation of sustainability at the University of Basel. To acomplish this, we need the involvement of employees and students, and you will find many useful tips on this website.
Furthermore, the Sustainability Committee, which consists of representatives from all faculties and groups of the University, advises the University of Basel and its members on the development and implementation of strategic projects in the field of sustainability.
If you have any questions or suggestions on sustainability issues, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Arne Menn
Head of Sustainability
Dr. Carina Weingaertner
Project Manager Sustainability
Dr. Katharina Blaurock
Project Manager Sustainability
Michael Vanek
Project Manager Sustainability
Jessica Granchi
student assistant
Marlene Schulze
student assistant