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43 Search results

Praxisnahe Ausbildung: Der Masterstudiengang in Biomedical Engineering vermittelt, wie sich technische Werkzeuge und Methoden für medizinische Diagnosen und Therapien nutzen lassen. (Foto: Daniel Winkler)

Occasion Universität Basel und FHNW lancieren gemeinsamen Master in Biomedical Engineering

Photographer Daniel Winkler

Date 09 Feb 2023

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The laws of physics set clear limits for snowmaking. (Photo: Erika Hiltbrunner)

Occasion Skiing over the Christmas holidays no longer guaranteed – even with snow guns

Photographer Erika Hiltbrunner

Date 28 Dec 2022

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Different types of snow cannons on the Gemsstock. (Photo: Valentin Luthiger)

Occasion Skiing over the Christmas holidays no longer guaranteed – even with snow guns

Photographer Valentin Luthiger

Date 28 Dec 2022

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Technical snowmaking on the Gemsstock. (Photo: Valentin Luthiger)

Occasion Skiing over the Christmas holidays no longer guaranteed – even with snow guns

Photographer Valentin Luthiger

Date 28 Dec 2022

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Prof. Claudi Bockting was given an honorary doctor from the Faculty of Psychology by Dean Prof. Jens Gaab. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Prof. Claudi Bockting

Occasion Dies academicus 2022

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 25 Nov 2022

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Prof. Thomas F. Rutherford was presented with an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Business and Economics by the Dean Prof. Rolf Weder. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Prof. Thomas F. Rutherford

Occasion Dies academicus 2022

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 25 Nov 2022

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Dr. Martine Clozel and Dr. Jean-Paul Clozel received honorary doctorates from the Faculty of Sciences from Dean Prof. Marcel Mayor. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Dr. Martine Clozel and Dr. Jean-Paul Clozel

Occasion Dies academicus 2022

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 25 Nov 2022

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Dean Prof. Primo Schär names Dr. Christoph Eymann an honorary doctor of the Faculty of Medicine. (Image: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Dr. Christoph Eymann

Occasion Dies academicus 2022

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 25 Nov 2022

Big version 137 KB Print version 5 MB

Dr. Philip Grant, founder of the NGO Trial International, receives an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Law from Dean Prof. Wolfgang Wohlers. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Dr. Philip Grant

Occasion Dies academicus 2022

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 25 Nov 2022

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The Faculty of Theology honors psychologist and author Ahmad Mansour with the award of an honorary doctorate by Dean Prof. Moisés Mayordomo. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Ahmad Mansour

Occasion Dies academicus 2022

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 25 Nov 2022

Big version 120 KB Print version 5 MB

Ambassador Pascale Baeriswyl, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the UN, receives the Alumni Award 2022 from Dr. Roland Bühlmann, President of AlumniBasel. (Photo: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Pascale Baeriswyl

Occasion Dies academicus 2022

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 25 Nov 2022

Big version 148 KB Print version 2 MB

“The courage to tell the truth is essential for intellectual progress,” said Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andrea Schenker-Wicki, President of the University of Basel, in her speech at the Dies academicus 2022. (Image: University of Basel, Christian Flierl)

Persons Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Andrea Schenker-Wicki

Occasion Dies academicus 2022

Photographer University of Basel, Christian Flierl

Date 25 Nov 2022

Big version 178 KB Print version 3 MB

From left to right: Dr. Romina Matter-Marone, Dr. Rosalba Lepore and Professor Lukas Jeker. (Photo: University of Basel, Florian Moritz)

Persons Dr. Romina Matter-Marone, Dr. Rosalba Lepore, Prof. Dr. Lukas Jeker

Occasion CHF 46 million for a University of Basel start-up

Photographer University of Basel, Florian Moritz

Date 13 Apr 2022

Big version 434 KB Print version 8 MB

Together with computational biologist Dr. Rosalba Lepore (left) and cell biologist Dr. Romina Matter-Marone (right) Professor Lukas Jeker is pursuing a novel approach for cell therapies. (Photo: University of Basel, Florian Moritz)

Persons Rosalba Lepore, Lukas Jeker, Romina Matter-Marone

Occasion CHF 46 million for a University of Basel start-up

Photographer University of Basel, Florian Moritz

Date 13 Apr 2022

Big version 725 KB Print version 13 MB

From left to right: Dr. Romina Matter-Marone, Professor Lukas Jeker and Dr. Rosalba Lepore. (Photo: University of Basel, Florian Moritz)

Persons Romina Matter-Marone, Lukas Jeker, Rosalba Lepore

Occasion CHF 46 million for a University of Basel start-up

Photographer University of Basel Basel, Florian Moritz

Date 13 Apr 2022

Big version 1 MB Print version 16 MB
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