Horizon Europe Calls for all disciplines

Despite the current non-association to Horizon Europe, Swiss researchers are still eligible to apply to many Calls for collaborative projects addressing global challenges. Please find below links to the open Topics with deadlines this autumn. Swiss research groups can participate in these collaborative projects and will be financed by the Swiss government, under the non-associated status.
The Euresearch network offers specific information, advice and support and offers free proposal reviews for Swiss researchers with a major role in the project (e.g., work-package leader). Please contact the Grants Office for any further information, if you are involved in a proposal for a Horizon Europe project.
Global Challenges
You find the detailed topics and deadlines for the individual calls within the clusters on the Funding & Tenders platform.
1 - Health
2 - Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
3 - Civil Security for Society
4 - Digital, Industry and Space
5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility
6 - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Opportunities for Researchers from Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon Europe
Net4societyHE, a transnational network of National Contact Points in Horizon Europe has published an overview highlighting SSH research funding chances within Horizon Europe.
The "Opportunities for Researchers from Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in Horizon Europe" is a key resource to find calls and topics of interest in the Work Programme 2023-2024.
Innovative Health Initiative
The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) Partnership has released draft texts for topics currently under consideration for inclusion in the upcoming IHI calls (4 & 5) for proposals. These calls are expected to be launched very soon.
Furthermore, registration for the IHI Call Days are open now, taking place from 19-22 June (Call 4, info session recordings might eventually be available) and 26-29 June (Call 5). These sessions will cover important aspects such as rules, procedures, individual topics, and pitching sessions where participants can present themselves as prospective project coordinators or partners.