Postdoctoral Fellowships - What's coming up on the EU and Swiss sides?

The Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship call 2023 is open with a deadline on 13 September. To support the applicants, the European Commission has published a comprehensive new website detailing the six crucial proposal preparation steps.
Postdocs (EU nationals or with a long-term resident status) who would like to carry out a 2-year project in Switzerland followed by one year at their host institution in Europe can apply for a Global Fellowship. Contact us if you are interested or know any potential candidates, we will check eligibility and provide support. For applicants, our first recommendations would be to watch the online tutorials and join the dedicated training events organised by Euresearch Network Office:
- 27 June online Register here.
- 25 July in Bern Register here.
The good news on the Swiss side is that there will be a call for SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships this year. As in former years, this scheme compensates for the MSCA European Postdoctoral Fellowship. It is aimed at postdocs, with a maximum of eight years research experience, who are coming to or have recently moved to Switzerland to conduct their research project. The grant covers the fellow's salary plus contributions to research and conference costs for 12-24 months. The call deadline is not yet confirmed, but we will update you as soon as possible. You can also sign up to our twitter account, and of course, do not hesitate to contact us for questions and support.