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eAssessment: Digital Assessment Environment at the University of Basel

Students should acquire competencies during their studies that enable them to live, learn, and work in a digital society. In this regard, the University of Basel aims to achieve the following core goals in its strategy for digitalization in teaching, which are also relevant for designing the digital assessment environment:

"connected": Students learn in digital learning environments that are connected to research and the future professional world.
The use of digital tools for problem-solving will become one of the core competencies in the future workplace. This means that competency-oriented assessments can also be conducted in digital environments.

"open": Students learn in as open and authentic environments as possible.
Digital assessments take place in practice-oriented environments with student computers, where electronic tools can be used where appropriate.


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Tests am Laptop. E-Assessments erweitern Prüfungsmöglichkeiten. Ursula Schwander: Uni Intern 02/2014. (zum Artikel)

Anforderungen an E-Assessments an der Universität Basel. Klaus Wannemacher. In: Tina Škerlak, Helen Kaufmann und Gudrun Bachmann (Hrsg.): Medien in der Wissenschaft, 66. Münster/New York: Waxmann (2014). (zum Artikel)

Gutachterliche Stellungnahme zur Implementierung von E-Assessments an der Universität Basel. Klaus Wannemacher: Gutachten der HIS (Hochschul-Informations-System GmbH). (zum Gutachten)

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