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Financial Investments

Three banknotes represented as a graphic, with the three ESG symbols (Environment, Society and Governance).
Image: Sustainability Office, SUAN Conceptual Design

Issues of sustainability and climate protection are highly relevant to the configuration of the University’s financial investment portfolio. With the recent revisions to the regulations on investments, concrete sustainability criteria were thus laid out for the University of Basel’s non-current financial assets. This has been strictly implemented since August 2022: besides financial requirements, the new regulations on investments also include criteria on ecological, social and governance (ESG) factors. Additionally, an investments exclusion list also needs to be considered.

The University of Basel’s non-current financial assets mainly comprise third-party funds that are raised for multi-year research projects and are not immediately required. The return generated on the funds invested in the financial market provide additional support for research and teaching projects. In order to take the sustainability objectives defined in the University Strategy into account, new regulations were drafted and adopted by the University Council and took effect on January 1st 2021. The University’s Financial Assets Committee, which is elected by the University Council and is responsible for financial investments, has established new portfolio management contracts in conjunction with these regulations. Since August 1st 2022, the new regulations have taken effect, divided into four new investment management mandates.

Goals & actions

Goals 2023/2024
responsible unit
Goals 2023/2024

Consider sustainability criteria in financial management of non-current assets and incremental development of a consolidated system for sustainability reporting


Sustainability analysis and report regarding ESG criteria and compliance with the exclusion list of managing banks and measurement of quarterly performance, standardized for all mandates

responsible unit

Investment Commitee

goals 2021/2022
completed actions
responsible unit
goals 2021/2022

Consider sustainability criteria in financial management of non-current assets and incremental development of a consolidated system for sustainability reporting

completed actions

Rework investment regulations to take into account sustainability issues

responsible unit

Investment Commitee

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