Course Directory Sustainability
In the sustainability course directory, students can find information about the courses offered on sustainable development at the University of Basel. An automated keyword search displays all sustainability-related courses per semester. In addition, it is possible to filter by semester, degree program and module and to search for specific keywords in German and English.
Please note: The admission requirements of the current course directory apply! Not all courses can be taken.
Tip: The certificate program Pathways to Sustainability (TQNE) offers an exciting introduction to the topic of sustainable development for free credit to interested students of all courses and subjects from the third semester on.
The sustainability course directory was created by the Sustainability Office in collaboration with the Databases and Information Systems Research Group (DBIS Group, Prof. H. Schuldt), Student Services, and Weboffice. Programming of the automated keyword search was implemented by S. Coray and Dr. L. Probst (DBIS Group). The course list is maintained and content checked by Sustainability Office. Please email suggestions and notes on missing courses to: