Stakeholder groups
Various options are available to members of the University of Basel for publication of content online within the university infrastructure. The right of use applies to all organizational units of the University of Basel and institutionally embedded organizations.
1. Hosting and housing
The infrastructure of the University of Basel is available to the following groups of stakeholders for hosting and housing their web presences:
- Organizational units of the University of Basel
- Research groups of the University of Basel
- Subject areas of the University of Basel
- Institutionally embedded organizations of the University of Basel
- Cross-university or associated organizations
- University boards and committees
- Organizational units of University Hospital Basel
- University clubs
Personal websites of staff and students at the University of Basel are not hosted on the University of Basel’s infrastructure.
2. Corporate design
The following groups of stakeholders are entitled to publish their websites in the University of Basel’s corporate design:
- Organizational units of the University of Basel
- Research groups of the University of Basel
- Subject areas of the University of Basel
- Institutionally embedded organizations of the University of Basel
- University boards and committees
The corporate design must not be used for websites of cross-university or associated organizations. The University of Basel’s logo should be displayed in an appropriate position.