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Welcome to GRACE!

The Graduate Center creates optimal conditions for successful (post)doctoral studies. It contributes to the development of functioning structures in the field of doctoral studies at the University of Basel that are in line with the university’s mission statement and strategy as well as its quality standards and demand for competitiveness. GRACE promotes interdisciplinary exchange and prepares researchers for future challenges inside and outside of academia. In addition to offering various training formats and organizing networking events, GRACE is a contact and service point for concerns regarding all aspects of (post)doctoral studies.

News and Events

Bottom-up Initiative Transferable Skills Courses

As part of the call for proposals PgB Nachwuchsförderung by swissuniversities, the University of Basel has successfully secured funding for a bottom-up initiative to organize transferable skills courses. Doctoral candidates and, in particular, postdoctoral researchers can submit proposals for the organization of courses to the Graduate Center and apply for funding of up to CHF 3,600 per course. Detailed information about the initiative can be found in the call for proposals and the fully completed application form must be submitted to the Graduate Center (grace@unibas.ch) by May 31, 2025.

Funding Opportunities for Cross-Border Projects

The Cross-Border Education Grant supports cooperation projects in teaching at the master’s and (post)doctoral level within the university network Eucor and the European University Alliance EPICUR (call). Applications can be submitted via the online application form until April 13, 2025.

Eucor Seed Money provides initial funding for innovative projects within Eucor. The application period runs from April to September. For more information, please visit the website.

The ConnectEU funding program enables members of the University of Basel to internationalize their offerings through cooperation with at least one of the nine partner universities. Applications can be submitted at any time. For more information, please visit the website.

Information Event for New PhD Candidates and Postdocs

On September 19 from 12:00 to 1:30 pm, the Graduate Center organized an "Information Event for New PhD Candidates and Postdocs". The event was held online. Together with all central services of the university, GRACE provided participants with important information for their time here in Basel – from Career Advancement to Transferable Skills. You can find the slides of the presentation here: Slides Information Event for New PhD Candidates and Postdocs 2024.

War in Ukraine

The University of Basel would like to offer refugee students and researchers from Ukraine the opportunity to live and work academically in Basel. The website War in Ukraine provides an overview of the offers.


The GRACE newsletter is sent out twice a year and contains news about the Graduate Center, references to events and information relevant to doctoral and postdoctoral researchers. In order to sign up for the newsletter, send an e-mail with “Newsletter” in the subject line to grace@unibas.ch.

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