UNI NOVA – Research Magazine of the University of Basel
Who owns our data?, Christian Tschudin?
Text: Christian Tschudin / We disclose data about ourselves on the internet all the time, without realizing it. A computer scientist and a lawyer show that research into safeguarding privacy can go hand in hand with asserting a right to privacy.
Who owns our data?, Beat Rudin?
Text: Beat Rudin / We disclose data about ourselves on the internet all the time, without realizing it. A computer scientist and a lawyer show that research into safeguarding privacy can go hand in hand with asserting a right to privacy.
Working hours: autonomous workers are more productive
Text: Olivia Poisson / When the cat’s away, the mice will play – or so the saying goes. Despite the trend toward flexible working time, such as working from home and trust-based working time, these models are still the subject of concern at the management level. The economist Michael Beckmann challenges the idea that a lack of monitoring leads to idle employees.
Improving early detection of psychosis
Text: Yvonne Vahlensieck / A team at the Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Basel is developing new methods for early detection of psychosis. Timely treatment can have a decisive beneficial effect on the course of the illness.
From Erasmus to JavaScript
Text: Urs Hafner / The University of Basel is positioning itself as a national center for digital editions. In doing so, it is helping to reinvent the tradition of editing established by Erasmus of Rotterdam at the bend of the Rhine river.
In pictures
From nose to knee
Text: Reto Caluori / Cartilage cells from the nose are exceptionally well suited to repairing damage in knee joints.
Botanical entanglements
What did the ancient Celts eat?
Against dichotomy
Text: Markus Krajewski / If a university should stand for anything, it is the ability to master complicated subject matter. A short paean to complexity.