A culture of leadership and collaboration

Advanced training, coaching and advice, individual workshops and process monitoring, development of leadership principles: the culture of leadership and collaboration was actively supported in 2019 and 2020.
In 2020, the switch from in-person interaction to online workshops and consultations took the spotlight. At the same time, leadership principles for the University of Basel were developed in a participatory process between the President's Board and executive personnel in the Faculties. They will act as the foundation for development of leadership.

A lived culture of leadership and collaboration is a strategic goal of the University of Basel. The core task of Staff and Organizational Development is to encourage and support staff in implementing a professional and collaborative culture of leadership in a respectful dialog.
Marcel Lüdi, Head of Staff and Organizational Development
Enhancing personal capabilities
With advanced training, coaching, advice and support of organizational development processes, the internal Training and Development office (POE) has again actively contributed to a strengthening of the personal resources of staff of the University of Basel over the past two years.
In 2020 and 2019, a total of 52 (2019: 29, 2020: 23) standard courses, thereof 33 (2019: 14, 2020: 19) offered by the internal Training and Development office (POE) itself and 19 (2019: 15, 2020: 4) more in collaboration with external partnerships, were held on the topics of leadership and collaboration culture, health promotion, employee appraisals with target agreements, and personal and social skills. About 400 people took advantage of this offer.
In addition, over the past two years, more than 350 people used the opportunities for individual self-reflection and further development in over 600 coaching and counseling sessions on the following topics:
In 2019 and 2020, POE assisted more than 1,000 university members in more than 100 workshops, covering topics such as guidance in change processes, restructuring and conflict management.
Goals & actions
Intensify a respectful management and collaboration culture
Hold introductory seminars (advanced education option) for newly appointed professors
Set up the new website «advice guidelines» and improve visibility and awareness of options via diverse communications channels
Department Training & Development
General Secretariat
Department Training & Development
Intensify a respectful management and collaboration culture
Rework the employee performance review process and develop a comprehensive toolbox
Establish leadership principles to apply to the whole university
Department Training & Development
Department Training & Development