Physics Abschluss: Master

Im Überblick
- Art
- Studiengang
- Abschluss
- Master
- Zuständige Fakultät
- Philosophisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
- Studienstart
- Herbst-, Frühjahrsemester
- Regelstudienzeit
- 3 Semester
- Credits
- 90
- Sprache
- Englisch
Information on admission:
Termine und Fristen
Physics traces natural phenomena back to quantitative relationships (experimental physics) and mathematically formulated laws (theoretical physics) through experiments, observation and measurement. The division into the two subfields corresponds to the two types of physical research, namely, on the one hand, to ask specific questions of nature and to fathom them through experiments and, on the other hand, to interpret the results with the help of mathematical and numerical methods and to predict new facts.
Focal areas of teaching and research
The Department of Physics at the University of Basel successfully participates in cutting-edge research in important and fascinating areas of physics:
Nano- and Quantum Physics
The revolutionary concepts of quantum physics and their consequences for the smallest to the largest things are explored here at the highest level, be it in supra- or semiconductors, magnets, graphene, topological systems or ultracold gases. New tools of nanophysics are being used or developed to open the door to the quantum world.
In this field, the foundations for key technologies of the future are researched and taught, ranging from quantum computing, quantum optics, and scanning probe microscopes to life sciences.
Nanophysics in Basel is unique and leading in Switzerland, also because of the close collaboration of the department with the Swiss Nanosciences Institute (SNI) - the national center of excellence for nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Cosmology and Particle Physics
What is the origin of matter-antimatter asymmetry without which matter would not have formed? What is the nature of "dark matter"? How did galaxies, stars, and neutron stars form?
Cosmology and particle physics explore the basic subatomic building blocks of matter, their role in the evolution of the universe, and in the formation of stars and supernova explosions.
Study structure
The master's degree is the second degree after the bachelor's degree. The master's program consists of a total of 90 credit points (CP). The Master's program in physics is a so-called mono program without additional subjects. One credit point (CP) ECTS corresponds to approximately 30 working hours.
Master of Science (90 CP) | |
Physics | Electives |
Degree program |
Combination of subjects
The study programs of the Faculty of Science are basically mono study programs with options for specialization and an elective area.
Physics is studied in the Bachelor's and Master's program as a course of study without additional subjects. In addition, it is possible to study physics as an extra-faculty bachelor's and master's degree subject with a subject from the Faculty of Philosophy and History or as a second subject to sports science.
Career opportunities
More than 2/3 of the graduates initially stay in higher education for a few years to pursue a doctorate. Career prospects are good; due to the low number of students, this will remain the case for the foreseeable future. Many fields of activity are open to physics graduates, for example in:
- Manufacturing industry (mechanical engineering, watchmaking, high-tech, electrical, chemical and optical industries, microtechnology, software)
- Research and development (industry and public/private research institutes)
- Teaching (high schools, universities)
- Medicine (e.g. medical physics),
- Communication, science journalism
- Public administration (testing, calibration and patent offices)
- the financial world (consulting, banking, insurance, risk assessment)
- others (transport, energy and safety specialists, personnel services)
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