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Business and Technology Abschluss: Master

The specialized Master in Business and Technology is designed for students interested in a business degree that will prepare them for a management career in the age of information processing and digital technologies.

Universität Basel, Business and Technology, Master

The idea of the Master is that solving management problems requires some understanding of how modern technologies work, as well as communication and collaboration with experts in the field of information and communication technologies.

The Master in Business & Technology primarily prepares students to solve people-oriented problems in areas like marketing, human resources, strategy and organization, or management accounting & control in times, in which technological progress in general and digital transformation in particular have an enormous impact on firms and their functional areas.

Course structure

The study program entails achievements totaling 90 credit points of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and a statutory period of study of three semesters. Part-time study increases the duration of the program accordingly.

Master of Science (90 ECTS)

Business & Technology


Combination of Subjects

There is no possibility to combine this master with other master programs.

Career Opportunities

In general, the Master of Business and Technology prepares for management positions in the area of human resources, marketing, or accounting & control, as well as consulting, and entrepreneurship. Such positions exist in for profit and non-profit organizations.

The human resources module primarily prepares students for work in modern, technology-friendly HR departments of companies, compensation consultancies or employers' and employees' associations. The marketing module prepares students for a career as a marketing manager, marketing consultant or entrepreneur. Typical career fields include brand management, digital branding, product management, advertising, sales management, sales, account management and marketing research. The module strategy & organization prepares students for work in the field of strategic management in organizations in the industrial and service sectors or in management consultancies. The module in management accounting prepares students for a professional position as an internal or external auditor, or as a management consultant. The technology module prepares students for a management position at the interface with technical departments in companies and sectors in which different types of digitalization play a central role. The graduates focusing on the technology module will be able to start a successful consulting and management career in technology-related fields.

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