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Workshop "Entrepreneurship in healthcare: The valley of death - Revisited"

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Our Personalized Health Series aims to create exchange opportunities and build a community around academic researchers and private companies’ representatives. In the context of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, on the 21st of November 2024, the 6° joint workshop of the Personalized Health Series, "Entrepreneurship in healthcare: The valley of death - Revisited", took place in the Innovation Garage of the University of Basel.

Personalized Health Basel (PHB), the Innovation Office of the University of Basel and DayOne - Healthcare Innovation gathered over 70 people to listen to startups entrepreneurial journeys, get insights from the University Hospital Basel and what it has to offer, discuss the importance of academia-industry partnerships and raise awareness of the importance of entrepreneurship.

🔥 The first talks from Christian Ruiz, Sebastian Mathias KellerRoberto Iannone were the occasion not only to discover the scientific aspect of their work in cancer diagnostic, the interpretation of electrical activity in sleep and deciphering of infants' cries, respectively; the seminars represented the opportunities for the founders to share their perceptions and experiences on their own journeys as entrepreneurs: uncertainty for the future, responsibility for employees, difficulties in local data access, lack of sleep, understanding whether one is meant for being an entrepreneur or not were some of the messages shared from their own experience.

🔥 Bram Stieltjes and Jens Eckstein, respectively presented the work made at the University Hospital Basel to build a Clinical Data Warehouse to store structured clinical data and to develop the Innovation Lab to support the validation of new technologies in the healthcare sector.

🔥 The second part of the workshop was devoted to the pitching session. We would like to thank: Mike Schälchli, Sundeep Gaba, Gurmit Sandhu, Paulius Viskaitis, Julian Kempf, Nikola Cihoric, and Ardian Aliu for their dedication and enthusiasm in presenting their innovative ideas. They received in exchange, from the audience, inputs and suggestions for the challenges they currently face.

The informal character of the event, a real trademark of the Personalized Health Series, permitted a fruitful and intense exchange among parties. The collaboration of PHB, IO and DayOne revealed a driving force for the local industrial ecosystem and academic world to meet, exchange and interact, looking for common solutions in the healthcare sector.

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