Grants Office News September 2018

Dear Researchers of the University of Basel,
We are pleased to present you the second issue of the Grants Office Newsletter. For this issue we interviewed Prof. Sabina De Geest from the Institute for Nursing Science about Implementation Science methodologies. We also inform you about the recent successes in physics and humanities, and about the procedure regarding University Core Facility costs and SNSF Ambizione applications. Please contact the Grants Office with any questions you may have regarding funding opportunities and grant applications:
Best regards,
The Grants Office Team
Anita Soltermann, Eve Silfverberg, Caroline Peneff-Verheyden, Susanne Daniel and Luca Wacker
University Core Facilities: Make sure you claim the costs in your project applications
Central infrastructures and facilities are becoming increasingly important in research, and also increasingly cost-intensive. In view of the fact that the SNSF's new funding regulations allow direct costs for infrastructures to be included in project budgets, the Rectorate has decided to charge the direct costs for five University Core Facilities to the corresponding projects. Researchers must therefore make sure they budget these costs in their applications to the SNSF and other funding organisations. This applies to the following facilities: Mouse Facilities, sciCORE and ITS for large volume data storage and HPC, the Imaging and the Proteomics Core Facilities at the Biozentrum, and the Nanoimaging Core Facility. The unit fees are shown in the respective calculation schemes in the Grants Tool.
“Methodologies that make the transition from the trial to the real world faster and more effective are crucial”
The Institute for Nursing Science (INS) and the Department of Public Health (DPH) occupy excellent positions in the current Shanghai ranking and recently received two highly competitive Marie Sklodowska Curie grants. The Grants Office spoke to Prof. Sabina De Geest about her research and about how the INS and DPH use Implementation Science methodologies and interdisciplinary approaches to streamline the transition of the trial to real world settings.
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FET Flagship on Quantum Technology:
A huge success for the Quantum Sciences in Basel
A great success can be reported from the Department of Physics: No less than three projects from the FET Flagship on Quantum Technology were awarded to consortia involving the University of Basel: Patrick Maletinsky, Nicolas Sangouard and Philipp Treutlein were each able to obtain one of the highly competitive flagship projects. FET Flagships are visionary, science-driven, large-scale research initiatives addressing major Scientific and Technological challenges. The Flagship on Quantum Technology aims to enable Europe to lead the second quantum revolution. Click below to find out more about ASTERIQS, QIA and MACQSIMAL, the three projects involving the University of Basel.
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More Successes!
Results just in: A great success can also be reported from the Humanities: Six Basel projects have been funded under the SNSF's “Digital Lives” programme. Congratulations to Stefanie Bailer, Moniek Kuijpers, Gerhard Lauer, Walter Leimgruber, Oliver Nachtwey and Lukas Rosenthaler. Congratulations also to Berenike Herrmann, who will carry out another Digital Lives project in collaboration with the ZHAW. These projects will further strengthen Basel's leading position in the digital humanities. The Grants Office would also like to congratulate Jan Gründemann, who obtained an ERC Starting Grant, Alexander Grob, who was granted an SNSF Sinergia Project and all new Ambizione and PRIMA Grantees: Claudia Cavelti-Weder, Marta De Luca, Alexander Harms, Stefanie Knopp, Ruta Lasauskaite, Isabelle Marthot-Santaniello, Angela Martin, Shinya Matsuda and Thea Zander.
SNSF Ambizione / Prima: Deadline November 1st 2018
The next SNSF Ambizione and PRIMA deadline is on November 1st 2018. Please note that the SNSF requires a detailed letter of support from the Department and a confirmation from the Rectorate. A template for the department letter is available in the Grants Tool (Ambizione / PRIMA, Information). The Grants Tool will also help applicants to calculate their budgets. Applicants who do not yet have an account should contact the Grants Office. To ensure a smooth process, we need the letter from the department and the entry in the Grants Tool by 15th October.
Last but not least: Welcome to the Grants Office, Luca!
We are pleased to introduce our new team member Luca Wacker. Luca has a PhD in Botany, and brings a wealth of experience in managing international grants, having previously worked for Grants Access Zurich, the international Grants Office of the ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. Here in Basel, he is responsible for US grants, international foundations and Horizon 2020 grants management.