Grants Office Newsletter March 2020
This issue of our newsletter informs you about a new training format offered by the Grants Office for Eccellenza, PRIMA and Ambizione applicants. We also inform you about upcoming calls of the SNSF, the BFE and SDC on the Corona Virus, Energy Research and Sustainable Development. Claudia Lengerke, ERC Consolidator Grantee from the 2019 call, gives insights into her experiences with the application process and the Nursing Sciences and Public Health Department invite to the first conference of their IMPACT initiative.
SNSF Project Funding: Spring Deadline (April 1st)
A quick note on the next SNSF project funding deadline: The SNSF is testing a new CV format for researchers applying in biology and medicine for which an ORCID account is required. If you are planning to apply and do not have an ORCID account yet, please set it up on time and take a look at the SNSF SciCV Toolkit.
Eccellenza, PRIMA and Ambizione: Applicants’ training on August 18th and 19th 2020
The Grants Office is organizing two 1 day applicants’ trainings for the SNSF instruments Eccellenza, PRIMA and Ambizione. Participants will learn the most important elements of how to plan, concept and write a competitive proposal.
Eligibility for participating the training: Postdocs who plan to submit an application on November 1st 2020 (Ambizione or PRIMA) or February 1st 2021 (Eccellenza).
Training dates:
August 18th: For the Humanities and Social Sciences
August 19th: For the Natural Sciences and Life Sciences
Trainer: Susanne Matuschek
Places are limited. Please write to the Grants Office and include your CV if you are interested in participating:
Claudia Lengerke: “ERC is the right place to propose an innovative, more risky idea”
Claudia Lengerke, clinical professor for hematology and stem cell research at the University of Basel and senior physician at the University Hospital of Basel is among the four researchers who received an ERC Consolidator Grant in the 2019 call. She is the first clinical researcher at the University of Basel to receive an individual ERC grant. The Grants Office interviewed her about her project and her experiences with the application process.
Announcement: Emergency call for research into coronaviruses to be published on March 6th
On March 6th 2020 the SNSF will launch an emergency call for proposals, with a submission deadline in the second half of March 2020. Research proposals should have the potential to contribute to the understanding of the virus or to improve the clinical or public health response within a timeframe of two years. The call will be based on the research agenda defined by the World Health Organization, the priorities of the Federal Office of Public Health and the SNSF’s own assessment of research potential in Switzerland. Researchers from all disciplines that may be able to make a contribution are invited to apply.
Call for pre-proposals: TRANSFORM: Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) invites pre-proposals for its research and innovation for sustainable development on strengthening partnerships between researchers and implementation partners to accelerate transformation towards global sustainable development. This supports projects which directly respond to the needs and interest of implementation partners. Funding is worth up to 70% of eligible expenses up to CHF 1 million per year. The maximum duration is 5 years. Note that the SDC will not finance research that is already supported by SDC units.
Pre-Proposals (five pages) need to be submitted by April 5th. 8pm. Further information can be found here.
SWEET (Swiss Energy research for the Energy Transition): Stakeholder Consultation
The Swiss Federal Office of Energy invites researchers to propose potential research topics for the new funding program “SWEET”. Sweet aims to accelerate innovations that are crucial to implement Switzerland’s Energy Strategy 2050 and achieve the country’s climate policy goals. Proposals can be submitted until March 24th. The first call is expected to open in June 2020. Further information can be found here
June 4-5, 2020, Basel: 1st Conference of the Swiss Implementation Science Network (IMPACT)
Successful translation of high-quality evidence into daily clinical practice, health systems or service organisations remains challenging. Research shows that only one third of evidence based practices are ever implemented in routine care and that implementation trajectory takes on average 17 years. The Swiss Implementation Science Network (IMPACT), launched in December 2019 by the Nursing Sciences and Department of Public Health of the University of Basel and Swiss TPH aims to promote implementation science practices by showcasing projects, offering network and training opportunities and leveraging funding options for implementation science. Program and registration can be found here
More Successes!
The Grants Office would like to congratulate:
- The six new Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellows:
- Begoña Abad (Physics, Ilaria Zardo’s group)
- Julia M.I. Barth (DUW, Walter Salzburger’s group)
- Claske Dijkema (SwissPeace, Laurent Goetschel)
- Madalena Pinto (Biozentrum, Alex Schier’s group)
- Florian Studer (DBM, Tania Barkat’s group)
- Amandine Thomas (Biozentrum Mike Hall’s group) - Four COST participants:
- Berenike Herrmann (Digital Humanities)
- Gabriela Kuster (DBM)
- Walter Salzburger (DUW)
- Stefan Willitsch (Chemistry) - Markus Rüegg and the consortium for the EJPRD project “Myocity”
- Heinz Läubli, Andreas Widmer and Sebastian Hiller for their Innosuisse projects